Posted by on Sunday, November 14, 2010
Under: 2010.09 "Hope"
I began my day in the hospital as
usual. Being a respiratory therapist I was always looking for extra flow
meters to connect patients up to oxygen. Many times they would be left
in the room when patients were discharged. So I would go from room to
room checking. As I stepped into the room I noticed the patient was
connected to a catheter and the bag was filled with blood clots. As I
looked up I saw a middle aged lady lying there sobbing uncontrollably.
I asked "Honey what is wrong?" She replied "I have no hope." "The Dr.
said the radiation has burned up my bladder and there is nothing that
can be done." I pulled up a chair and said "Let me tell you about hope."
As I began to shared the gospel with her I found out that she had a
relationship with the Lord as a girl but had walked away as she grew
older. I reminded her that God never left her and He loves her so much
that He would
like to see her healed. I then asked her if I could lay my hands on her
and pray. She said "Yes please do." So we began to pray. As the prayer
ended I told her that I would stop by throughout my shift that night to
check on her.
As time would have it I had the
opportunity to stop by several times. The first time I checked on her
she had a visitor. As I stepped in the doorway she shouted "there she
is." She then introduced her husband to me and said "I have not passed a
blood clot since we prayed." They both began to thank me and we gave
God the glory. The next time I went to her room there was just a pink
tinge to the fluid. We began to rejoice and I told her my shift was over
and I would see her tomorrow. The next day I rushed to her room to see
her and the room was empty. I ran to the nurses station to find out
where she went. The nurse replied "She was perfectly well and had been
released." What an awesome night I had. I praised God the entire shift
and thanked Him for our hope is in the Lord...
In : 2010.09 "Hope"