Sermons From My Kitchen Window” Series) 

Dear Readers…

Every now and then, I stray from the classroom style teaching, and write a “Kitchen Window” message. The lessons are in a parable form (check meaning below). I hope you enjoy the summer solstice!


Early in the spring of 2008, I was sitting at my kitchen table with my morning coffee, when something passed by the window. I went to the back door to check it out, to find a half-starved, frightened, young cat, looking like he wanted to make a run for it. I stepped outside, talking very gently to him/her trying to get a closer look. I reached out to him…it was a male…but he shied back. I noticed he had on a blue cloth collar that had worn his hair down, yet was now loose around his neck. We had a house cat once when I was a child, but I had never had a cat of my own, except the outside cat (and dog) I inherited from my sister when she moved to AZ. They both had long since died, so I had no cat food in the house. I rustled up something for the poor hungry thing to eat. I noticed he had a terrible case of diarrhea, so I decided against milk and opted for something solid…after about a week of regular meals, that problem cleared up. 

While he ate, I left him in peace and started calling the few neighbors in the Hollow, to see if anyone owned a gray male cat. When nobody claimed him, it made sense as to why the collar had gotten loose on him…he’d been on his own for awhile. I don’t know why people drop off unwanted pets in someone else’s neighborhood, but many seem to take that way out. When he stayed the rest of the day and was there the next morning, I knew I had to make a run to the grocery store to stock up on cat food…the Moser household had a new arrival! 

I have a tiny house dog, but thankfully our newest family member was an outside animal…he never once tried to come inside, even to this day. As time went on, the cardboard box I had made into a house for him needed to be replaced with a permanent one. As fall weather approached and Kit-Cat (his new name) had evidently decided to stay, I bought him a “Pet Barn”. When the snow came, I lined it with a shag rug and a quilted fleece shirt. I also set the Barn up off the ground on a porch chair frame and fastened it with a bungee cord, placing the back against the wind. When the winter got bitter cold, I cut up an old wool blanket, and added it to the rest of the lining. Under the back porch roof beside the barn, was a small, sturdy table, on which I tied a homemade straw-filled pillow, so cat could lay in the winter sun. Next to the table was an old gas grill with a flat lid, which now served as Kit-Cat’s table. I covered it with a lacy, slip-proof drawer liner so he could stand on the metal lid in the winter time to eat his meals without freezing his feet, or burning them in the summer heat. 

One day, my little dog, got outside, and headed for the neighbor’s dog pen. They were having a cook out and I yelled for the kids to catch the “Kiz”. She sidestepped them all and ran back toward my house and around the shed. Before I could catch up to her, Kit-Cat stepped around the corner, arched his back, hissed, and stopped her in her tracks! If KC hadn’t been there she would have headed for the woods, and a little seven pound dog could never have made it through the night or have found her way home. He saved her life, thank you Jesus! 

From the beginning, KC was such a sweet and grateful cat. He would be gone a couple days when he sniffed the wind; but when he came home, no matter how hungry he was, he’d never touch his food until he nuzzled my hand. I’d put my face down to his and he’d purr and nuzzle my face as well. Every once in awhile he would even lick my hand, but always before he touched his food.  

We all made it through the winter, and Kit-Cat settled in for good. Spring came, and along with it, the birds, and creatures large and small, scurried around. I had bird feeders hanging off the back porch roof, but KC never bothered the birds even though they would fly down and steal his dry cat food out of his dish. (Cat must have been away on “business” the night a mother bear tore down the bird feeders)!

I was totally surprised when I opened the back door one morning, and a dead bird lay on the step. I knew Kit-Cat was providing for his pride, (ME) since I fed him. He looked so shocked when I tossed it into the weeds! A few weeks later, he decided to change my menu by bringing me a chip monk. I have a passion for chip monks, but not as food. The poor thing was not breathing, his eyes were open in a dead stare, yet the body was not mangled in any way. I didn’t know if he was dead or in shock, but I started to pray, and gently nudged his tummy with the tip of my cane. He started to breathe. I picked up a discarded container sitting nearby, scooped him into it, while KC watched. If he thought I had just put my “meal” into a dish like the way I serve his food, Cat must have went into shock when my “supper” jumped out of the bowl in a death run, and scampered across the yard! Kit-Cat has not brought me any “groceries” since! 

I often see Biblical object lessons in everyday life, especially through nature, which God created before He made Man; so of course, I see the correlation between Kit-Cat’s world and our relationship with our Heavenly Father.

My dear cat doesn’t worry anymore about his daily bread, since he met me. He has learned that his loving master will provide his food, water, bed, and protection all the days of his life. If he gets ill, he receives my healing touch. He praises and thanks his provider with his songs, hugs, and kisses BEFORE every meal. He brings me the first fruits of his increase, which are his tithes and offerings of birds and critters. He knows I have saved him and he is grateful. He remembers his past life, and will not leave me nor forsake me, even though he has free will to do so if he chooses. His ear is tuned to my voice and he comes running, any time I call. He meets me the first thing in the morning, and walks with me in the cool of the day. I watch over him and am always thinking of ways to bless him with something he will enjoy. He loves to hang out with me, and quietly watches me work in my garden. Kit-Cat will dwell in the house of Moser all the days of his life. When his days on earth are done, I truly believe that he will dwell with me in the house of the Lord forever and ever…Amen! 

God bless you all,

Pastor Moser

July, 2009 

W. O. W.

Parable: an earthly story with a Heavenly meaning.