(Photo courtesy of: www.saintscatholic.blogspot.com)

Here we are once again, at the close of another year. It is so hard to believe that 2011 is winding down, and yet it will be the New Year before we know it! Maybe it is just me, but the older I get the faster life goes! However, the one thing that keeps me mentally staying on course is I feel I still have things to do.
Regardless of age or condition, we are required to “finish our course and keep the faith for there is a Crown laid up for us in Glory” (2 Tim. 4:7-8). The Lord reminded me that we are not just here to procreate and raise families, or find careers and/or live our lives how we choose. 

Most of you have probably heard of the book entitled, “Angels on Assignment” (great book). Well, the Lord spoke to me recently and reminded me that we are Saints on Assignment! WOW! For some reason, having it put that way rocked my little world. I felt like a part of the Team! The word “Selah” came to mind (pause and think of that). So I did!

What with the prophecy teachers reminding us as to how close the coming of our Lord is, it behooves us all to find out what our assignment is! Each of us play an integral part in these “last days” events. We each have a job to do in our arena of life, which is reserved for us fulfill. I cannot do what you are ordained, trained, and equipped to do, anymore than a lumberjack could fill in for a brain surgeon, or visavis! We are placed in our own sector of this planet, to fill a need in the lives of as many as the Lord has sent to us. We work hand in hand with the Holy Spirit, to carry out the plan of the Father, as  Jesus orchestrates it all. Sometimes, I can really understand how we are the Body of Christ, as I can see how we are the hands, feet and even the voice of the God-head.

Awhile ago, the Lord showed me that we were all equal in our calling of God in this life. All of us are called to a Holy purpose, and that purpose is to make a difference in our corner of the world! Regardless of the circumstances we may find ourselves in, we are to bloom where we are planted, then in turn, be about the Father's business of sowing His Word into fertile soil, tending the crops, and/or bring in a Holy Harvest. Unfortunately, the laborers are few (Matt. 9:37), but we serve a mighty and powerful GOD! He more than makes up our lack and takes up our slack. All we have to do is lean on Him and trust Him, and keep our heart-ear tuned in to His still and quiet Voice! 

I know a couple who had spent all they had and even gave up all their future security in order  to start a church in their rural community. After 13 years, they don't have any more members than they started out with and even some of them are not currently attending. Now, some might say, “What's wrong with this picture”?!  Or others might even say, “Surely they missed the Lord”... which  brings to mind a story a minister told his class one Sunday morning. 

“What if the Lord had you ship-wrecked on a deserted island with one other person, who was unsaved, and you spent your life talking to him about his soul. He was the only convert you could possibly win to Jesus, and you were the only one who could minister to him, yet he died unsaved. I'm sure you would feel like a complete failure. However, you obeyed the Lord's call on your life, you had a Divine purpose, which was to obey God, and give this man a chance to hear the Gospel. Besides, you would not really know if  the man received Jesus with his last breath or not, until you went to Heaven and met him there! If he wasn't there, either way, you STILL had a purpose, and you STILL made a difference. God used you to make it possible for the man to have a choice, and a CHANCE to get his heart right  with Him.  God is not willing that ANY should perish, and it is not possible for Him to go against His own Word or Nature! (2 Pet. 3:9) 
Just like the aforementioned couple, none of us know or can see beyond the veil. Ours is but to trust and obey to the best of our revelation and understanding, and leave the rest to God!

Be not weary in well doing for you shall reap if you faint not (Gal. 6:9). We are not responsible to create opportunities to have a ministry. We are responsible to be studied up, prayed up, and continue our own Holy Ghost Boot Camp training while we await our daily orders to be sent as “Saints on Assignment”. And, as with any military, soldiers usually don't have a choice as to where they are sent.

As we contemplate the dawning of 2012, we may have certain plans for our future. Some may be relocating, starting a new job, going back to school, planning a wedding, or starting a family. Wherever you find yourself this new year, God is already there arranging the circumstances where you will be used by Him to accomplish His plans. There are people you will meet by Divine Appointment whether for your benefit and education, theirs, or both. Either way, realize that nothing is by happenstance. We need to remember that as there is a Divine Order for the universe, so there is also for the lives of God's army.
Can we miss it? Since we have a free will, we certainly can...either accidentally or purposely out of rebellion. You may recall that it took Israel 40 years to make an 11 day journey because of their rebellion to God and His leader Moses (Duet. 1:2). With every uprising of their flesh against God's leadership, they had to take another trip around the same mountain. Only 2 of the original band eventually entered the Promised Land...even Moses could not go in because of his own momentary rebellion. However, many generations later he did get to stand on that sacred soil on the Mount of Transfiguration beside Jesus and Elijah. His sudden lapse of judgment in the wilderness did not banish him forever...God was  merciful even before the New Covenant.

Today, God's Saints on Assignment live under the Covenant of Grace which our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ paid for with His own blood, suffering, death, and wondrous resurrection! If we mess up, we are not banned from the Promised Land. Like Israel, we may have to take another trip around the mountain until we finally get it right, which most of us eventually do. Because Jesus already paid the price, His mercy endures forever, and we will dwell in the House of the Lord forever and ever...Amen!

Each “born again believer” has their own personal calling in life, yet we all have the same training to go through, which I call Boot Camp. First of all, we sign up for life, which one might call our “Tour of Duty” (sorry, but no mere 2 year stint in this army). Secondly, God comes first in all our plans, decisions, and daily communications (prayer). Thirdly, we consider His Word more precious than our necessary food (Job 23:12). We weigh everything we do and say against His Word, and consider it our road map through this life. Therefore, we must read the Word several times daily, in order to hide it in our heart (Ps. 119:11). One great man of God, (Sadhu Sundar Singh), who suffered so much to evangelize India in the early 1900's, read a chapter a day and meditated on it the rest of the day. As he walked over the mountains during his missionary journeys, he “chewed” on the Word, and the Holy Spirit would reveal details that one would not see at first “bite”.

 These 3 things are the main part of boot camp basic training. Our extended training is found through a Church were we can learn and grow, (but be sure to weigh their doctrine against the Word). We know that in a multitude of counselors there is safety (Prov. 24:6), and it is important to have a few trusted people in life that we can rely on to pray for us, counsel us, and have our best interest at heart. As long as we have a teachable spirit, the Holy Spirit will continue our Christian education throughout our lifetime, and even send us others that we in turn may win to Christ and/or teach and train as well.

Some may think that this has not been a message befitting the Christmas Holiday, however it has been aimed toward the newborn saints and/or those older ones who never had the proper guidance as to how to learn and grow in Christ. I think this is a wonderful way to start our new year! Besides, Jesus, even though He was the Son of God on Assignment, came into this world as a man of flesh and had to learn these same things, as we all do, as Saints on Assignment. 

Christ set the highest of standards that we all should aspire to. He was tempted in all points as we are, yet without sin (Heb. 4:15). Of course, we all have sinned and come short of the glory of God (Rom. 3:23) since we are born with a sin nature, but we are born as innocents, until we reach the age of choice. It is from that time on that we need a Savior. It is for that reason that God came down to Earth, entered a body of flesh, born through a Jewish virgin, lived a sinless life, took all our sins upon Himself (who was perfect), freely gave His life, was savagely beaten and died on a cross, was buried, then raised from the dead on the third day, and now sits at the right hand of His Father to make intercession for us all. He will soon return, catch us up unto Himself and so we shall ever be with the Lord. What a Christmas present to us all! Amen and Amen!

Merry Christmas Everyone,
Pastor Moser and
All the Staff at the Homeplace Mission


Another New Year...Another New Beginning...Another Chance To Serve...Thank You Jesus!