(Photo courtesy of: www.theonlinebibleschool.net)

Every once in awhile, I like to just teach a Bible information message rather than teach life lessons, via testimonies. Some of this may seem dry by comparison, but we need to know the Word. I usually like to get beneath the layers of facts and get at the heart of a message. For me it is not enough to KNOW something, I want also to glean the meaning, and the “why”, if possible, behind the truth. (“Inquiring minds want to know...”!). However, this is a lesson where the Hebrew meaning indicates the benefit.

I have taught this lesson on the Names of God before, but it may have not been on this site. Names say who you are, and are important to give an accurate impression of what you stand for...even the Bible says “A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches...” (Prov. 22:1). I hope you enjoy learning about the following Names of our God!



The Lord My Righteousness

Sin: Forgiveness of sin and deliverance from sins

(2 Cor. 5:21)



The Lord My Sanctifier


(Heb. 13:12)



The Lord My Peace

Spirit: The fullness and presence of the Spirit

(Col. 1:20-22)



The Lord is Present

(1 Cor. 3:16; Heb. 13:5)



The Lord My Healer

Soundness: The promise of  health and healing

(Is. 53:5, 1 Pet. 2:24)



The Lord My Provider

Success: Freedom from the law’s curse of failure and insufficiency

(Gal. 3:11-14, Rom. 8:32)



The Lord My Banner

Security: Freedom from the fear of death and hell.

(Is. 11:10, 2 Tim. 1:10)



The Lord My Shepherd

(John 10:27-28, Ps. 23:4)


This is a bit shorter than most of our articles, but for the serious Bible student I think it is appreciated. These Jewish names tell us of the various aspects of our wondrous God.

Since it is a shorter article, I decided to add another fact based teaching which I have posted before in 2005, but for some reason is not coming up when clicked. It may just be my computer malfunction, or it may be that when we changed websites, it didn't transfer over...either way, I feel this is a good place to add that information, since I have the space to do so.


 The Feasts of Israel in Bible Prophecy


“Speak to the children of Israel, saying: 'In the seventh month, on the first day of the month, you shall have a Sabbath-rest, a memorial of blowing of trumpets, a holy convocation. You shall do no customary work on it; and you shall offer an offering made by fire to the Lord.' Thus begins the Jewish feast known as the feast of trumpets. Leviticus 23:24-25

Prophetically and biblically this feast is very significant for both the Christian and Jew. All Jewish feasts represent a picture of the work of Jesus Christ on earth. All the major events of the first coming of Christ occurred in the spring on a Jewish feast day. Israel was celebrating the feast of Passover when Jesus entered into Jerusalem riding on a donkey as the King of Israel. Passover is the feast that celebrates and remembers the time when the Israelites took the blood of an unblemished lamb and painted a cross of blood above their doors so the angel of death would pass over them that evening.

Jesus became our sacrificial lamb during the feast of Passover. It is the blood of His sacrifice that frees us from the penalty of sin thus giving us everlasting life even though our bodies perish.

Jesus was buried during the feast of unleavened bread. Leaven represents sin and unleavened bread is symbolic of a man who is without sin or had their sins washed away. The unleavened bread is symbolic of Jesus, the man who was buried without ever committing a sin in His life. 

The third Jewish feast is the feast of first fruits and Jesus was resurrected during this feast. 1 Cor.15:20 states: But now Christ is risen from the dead, and has become the first-fruits of those who have fallen asleep. 

The fourth Jewish feast is the feast of Pentecost which occurs 50 days after the feast of Passover. This is when God sent us the Holy Spirit who indwells all who place their trust in Christ. As we can see, all of the significant events of the first coming of Christ occurred during a Jewish spring festival. There are 7 Jewish feasts associated with Bible prophecy. The first four are in the spring and the last three are in the fall which brings us to Rose Hasheesh – the feast of trumpets.

 In our country, the new year begins on January the 1st. Rosh Hashanah is a type of New Year's day for the Jewish culture. It begins a ten day period known as the Days of Awe. What is the next major event scheduled to occur in Bible Prophecy concerning Jesus Christ? It's the time He blows the trumpet to call His church home. This is called the “Rapture” which comes from the Greek word “rapio” which means a snatching away.

 Since all the major events of the first coming of Christ occurred on a Jewish feast day in spring and the remaining feast days are in the fall, does it not make sense to believe that it is very likely that all of the major events of the second coming will occur on a Jewish feast day in the fall?

 This year Rosh Hashanah began on September 17th and will last until September 26th. This ten day period is known as the Days of Awe or the days of repentance. This is the time to consider sins of the previous year and repent of them before the next Jewish feast known as Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement or judgment. It has been noted that many hurricanes and earthquakes occur during this time of repentance and atonement.

 The Jewish tradition is that this 10 day period is when God makes decisions that will affect you for the next 12 months. He writes down in a book who will live and who will die; who will have a good life and who will have a bad life. It is our actions during this ten day period that will alter God's decree.

 Some teachers feel that if you are a Christian, then this 10 day period beginning with Rosh Hashanah and ending with Yom Kippur is the tine to bring your petitions before God in prayer. Example; who are you burdened for? What problem has been weighing you down? Now is the time to pray about it. This concept is not taught in our churches and some feel that it should be, as it is part of our Bible. Personally, I have to plead Romans 14:5 on this one!

 According to the Jewish beliefs, The Days of Awe is this 10 day period in which the Heavenly courts are opened up to the inhabitants of the earth. When the Rapture occurs, again it is the Heavens which are opened up to receive the inhabitants of earth who are watching and awaiting the Lord's coming. Our positions and rewards in Heaven will be determined by our faithfulness here on earth. Some will be rewarded more than others and have more responsibility.

Yom Kippur follows the Days of Awe. When the Rapture occurs, those who have rejected Christ will be left behind and will atone for their sin through judgment, which you can read about in the book of  the Revelation. 

The last feast is the Feast of Tabernacles. This is when the harvest is brought in and the good wheat is separated from the chaff. This occurs after the Day of Atonement which is exactly what the book of Revelation says will occur at the end of the 21 judgments on earth. Christ will return as King of Kings and Lord of Lords during this Feast of Tabernacles!


God Bless You,

Pastor Moser

September, 2012


Dear Reader:

This article is in no way an attempt to teach on the events of The Revelation. This writing was to show God has a pattern that is prophesied in the order of the Old Testament's feast days and fulfilled in the order of the New Testament's Book of the Revelation. We can see many “types and shadows” throughout the Bible, as history foretells future events.