What Changes Does the Bible Predict For this Planet?

November 17, 2010

                (Dear Readers: We are concluding the articles contributed by Dr. Kober

             on Bible Prophecy for this year. I have especially enjoyed them and hope to feature

            his wisdom from time to time in the future. Thank you, Dr. Kober!)


In an earlier issue, we answered the question concerning prophecies for our planet enduring the tribulation. We noted two main predictions for this seven-year period of judgment: earthquakes and emptiness.


At least seven devastation earthquakes are part of the divine punishment of human transgression, so that, as Isaiah vividly predicts, “the earth shall reel t and fro like a drunkard”

(24:20). Furthermore, as a result of a world beset by war, draught, famine and pestilence, “few men are left in it” (Is. 24:2) by the end of the tribulation. But there is also good news for our planet.


                                Changes in the Millennium…The Good News.


A.   Changes in Topography:


       With the return of the King, a series of dramatic changes take place in Israel and presumably around the world. These changes involve a deep east-west valley in the Mt. of Olives  (Zech. 14:4) and an elevation of Israel’s central mountain range into a plateau. Jerusalem will serve as the world’s capital above surrounding area (Zech. 14:10-11). Due to these cataclysmic changes, many familiar biblical sites will vanish. (If you dear reader, have always wanted to visit Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Bethany and Shiloh, better visit now before these places in the Holy Land either vanish or are changed beyond recognition0!In the Millennial Kingdom, people will flock to Jerusalem that “is exulted above the hills” (Mic. 4:1). Leading up to it is a splendid new highway for the worshippers (Is. 11:16; 35:8) who will make a pilgrimage to Jerusalem at least once a year (Zech. 14:16).


B.    The Division of the Land:


        Redeemed Israel will inherit the land from the Nile to the Euphrates as promised to Abraham so long ago (Gen. 15:18). The Promised Land will be portioned in horizontal segments among the twelve tribes of Israel (Ez. 48). With their Messiah King dwelling with them (Is. 12:6), redeemed Israel will sing this exuberant hymn of praise, “The Lord Jehovah is my strength and my song; He also is become my salvation” (Is. 12:2).


C.    The Lifting of the Curse.


        Isaiah paints a vivid picture of peace and security in the Millennium. The curse will be lifted from nature and the animals, so that “the wolf also shall dwell with the lamb…the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child lead them” (Is. 11:6-9; cf. 33:24; 65:25). Seasonal rains will be restored (Joel 2:23) and a new river, emanating from the rebuilt temple in Jerusalem, will bring abundant life to the formidable desert and the Dead Sea (Joel 3:18;

Zech. 14:8; Ez. 47). In fact, all the desert areas of the earth will be healed (Is. 35:6) as waters gush forth in the wilderness and streams in the desert.


In stark contrast to the drought and devastation of the tribulation period, this extreme fruition of nature will afford multiple harvests each year (Amos 9:13-15). Human longevity will increase (Is. 65:20). No one will die without attaining full age. If anyone dies at the age of one hundred, he is considered a mere youngster.


The Lord reigning from Jerusalem is not simply the source of spiritual but of the physical life as well. How wonderful to know this Lord as Savior and to anticipate with Isaiah the end of “sorrow and sighing” so characteristic of our earthly existence. If we have trusted in Christ as Savior we can even now contemplate our glorious future on the millennial earth. There we will join, in our glorified bodies, the earthly saints in adoration and worship with “songs and everlasting joy…and gladness” (Is. 35:10) in the presence of the Prince of Peace.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!


God Bless You All,

Pastor Moser

November, 2010


W. O. W.


The signature of God is seen on His creation.


Israel in the Great Tribulation

November 16, 2010


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