Our New Friends Page!

We have had some of our friends show interest in doing some of their own writing. We added this page to showcase their talent and to share what God has laid on their hearts to write. If you are interested in being a part of this page, please contact us at our email address. God bless you and happy writing!

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"Letter to a Friend"

Posted by on Saturday, July 3, 2010, In : 2010.06 "Letter to a Friend" 

Hey, Girlfriend!

I’ve been trying to call you, but as usual, you’ve been on the GO! What a hectic time this is in your life, with so many of your family in crisis. But, rest assured that our prayer team is holding you up in prayer.

Anyway, since I haven’t been able to talk to you, thought I’d do the next best thing and dash off an email…what DID we do before PCs were invented?! I don’t have much news…still trying to get...

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Do we delete family members who cause us stress?

Posted by on Monday, November 23, 2009, In : 2009.11 "Do we delete family members who cause us stress?" 

I recently read a posting on a Facebook page. From other readers comments,  I got the impression there were several people that took it personally, and thought they might be the target of these comments. Surprisingly, there are quite a few members in my own family that find this tactic of deleting everyone that causes them stress to be the norm. I for one know that there have been several times in my life, that I have caused my family to be embarrassed by my actions or choices. However, ther...

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It's Contemporary: Fruitful

Posted by on Friday, October 9, 2009, In : 2009.11 "Fruitful" 


As we enter the month of November I am reminded that this is the month we’ll be wrapping up the 5 Fruitful Practices study.  What have we learned from this church wide study?  For me I’ve learned that there is a boundless joy that comes with being a part of something greater than myself.  I feel like the people of  Regester have grown closer.  This unity is crucial in ministry because we represent the body of Christ.  November also makes me think of Thanksgiving.  I’m SO thankful tha...

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It's Contemporary: Mark

Posted by on Saturday, June 20, 2009, In : 2009.07 "Mark" 

This month Pastor Ted is going to take us through the book of Mark.  The first chapter speaks of how Jesus was rejected.  In chapter 7 it speaks of how the people begin to open up and accept Jesus for who He is – the  Son of God.  There’s a man who is deaf and in need of healing.  There’s a woman whose daughter is possessed and in need of healing.  At the end of the month we’ll hear of how Jesus walked on water and calmed the storm.  Jesus had been rejected as the king so many times,...

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It's Contemporary: Gospel

Posted by on Thursday, May 21, 2009, In : 2009.06 "Gospel" 

By: Dawn Abel


JOHN 3:16

We see this in our culture all the time.  We see it on bumper stickers, we see it on t-shirts and we even see it on signs on “professional” wrestling shows.  The question is, do we really know how powerful it is?  The scripture says  “For God loved the world so much that he gave His one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life.”  WOW!  Now that’s good stuff!  Because of God’s great love for us, He was will...

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It's Contemporary: Happy Spring!

Posted by on Monday, May 4, 2009, In : 2009.05 "Happy Spring!" 


Just typing that makes my soul feel all warm and tingly inside!  One of my favorite things to do in the spring is to plant and grow flowers.  As I look around the gardens I am reminded of how mighty our God is.  He causes the rains to fall and the sun to shine that nourish these beautiful creations.  Yes our God is a mighty God.  He’s capable of such delicate blessings as giving us the spring flowers.  He’s also capable of the most powerful blessings you can imagine – like...

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It's Contemporary: Heart of Worship

Posted by on Friday, December 12, 2008, In : 2008.12 "Heart of Worship" 

By Dawn Abel

Ya know I’ve learned some lessons in my life. This last year has been a real eye opener for me. I used to stress a lot about directing the Celebration Service. I worried that we wouldn’t have an acolyte. I worried that we wouldn’t have a piano player. I even worried about how loud the sound was and if it was TOO loud. About a year ago my mother in law, Bea was diagnosed with cancer. She would fight a long hard battle that she would eventually lose after 9 months. We were for...
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It's Contemporary: Amazing Grace

Posted by on Friday, December 12, 2008, In : 2008.11 "Amazing Grace" 

Dear Readers,

Recently, a friend was asked to write for her church's monthly newsletter, as the director of the Celebration Service (contemporary music). It seems that this is what a lot of our churches are embracing these days, in order to keep the younger members involved. Her aim is to show the elder congregants and the younger ones just how similar they are in their worship.

I felt her writings deserved a spot on our website, so we are launching Dawn Abel's first "It's Contemporary" articl...

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